Institution April 21, 2021 Tec rector: universities more diverse and collaborative after COVID David Garza, rector and executive president of the Tec, shared his vision of education in the future, based on steps taken by universities during the COVID-19 crisis.
Institution April 19, 2021 David Garza at world summit: universities drive innovation David Garza, president of Tec de Monterrey, participated in the Times Higher Education conference through a virtual talk in which he reflected on innovation.
Research April 16, 2021 Tec graduates’ research is recognized by MIT Graduates of Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Santa Fe campus have won the contest for the best research by graduate students at the MIT SCALE Latin America Conference.
Research April 06, 2021 EGADE circular economy project gains worldwide recognition SWIT, a circular economy project from an EGADE Business School professor, has been recognized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Research March 26, 2021 Tec professor gives talk at MIT SCALE Latin America Conference A professor from Tecnológico de Monterrey gave a talk about the coexistence of “nanostores” in the retail ecosystem at the MIT SCALE Latin America Conference.
Education March 18, 2021 Tec teacher to give presentation at European education conference A PrepaTec teacher will give a presentation on an activity using the case study technique with images at the European Conference on Games Based Learning in Brighton, United Kingdom.
Institution March 12, 2021 Judith Butler: Attacks on feminism are a response to its success A discussion with prominent feminist Judith Butler and proposals to create opportunities for women formed part of Tec de Monterrey’s 2021 Feminism Conference.
Research January 25, 2021 Tec professor’s research published in Scopus A paper on competitiveness by a Tec de Monterrey professor has been indexed in one of the most important research databases in the world.
Research January 25, 2021 Tec professor presents biomechatronics advances at international forum At the International Conference on Achievements in Biomedical Engineering (EIAIB), Tec professor Joel Huegel talked about the projects being carried out at the Biomechatronics Laboratory he runs.
Institution January 25, 2021 Inspiring and empowering! The winners of the Mujer Tec 2021 Awards Tec de Monterrey will recognize the winners in a virtual ceremony held on March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day.