Institution October 20, 2020 Cities with a better future: the mission of this new Tec center The Center for the Future of Cities at Tecnológico de Monterrey seeks to study and disseminate the best practices of the cities of the world to apply them in Mexico.
Art & Culture October 11, 2020 The fire of Guillermo Arriaga (interview) The writer Guillermo Arriaga talks in an interview about his most recent novel “Salvar el fuego” (Saving the Fire), as well as his artistic vision, Mexico, and life.
Health September 10, 2020 Tec forms international suicide prevention partnership Tec de Monterrey recently formed a partnership with The JED Foundation, an organization specializing in suicide prevention, for mentoring and programs to this end.
Sports August 14, 2020 PrepaTec graduate wins full scholarship in University of Nebraska Jazmín Zamorano, a graduate of PrepaTec’s Obregón campus, has received a full scholarship at the University of Nebraska as a result of her sporting prowess in tennis.
Institution July 22, 2020 Are you a Tec student? Here’s the return to classes with HyFlex+Tec Tec de Monterrey is ready to begin the new semester on August 10th using the HyFlex+Tec Model. All students must choose their class format and prepare themselves for a gradual planned return.
Institution June 29, 2020 Salvador Alva: a legacy of transformation at Tec de Monterrey CONECTA exclusive: interview with Salvador Alva who, until June 30, served as president of Tecnológico de Monterrey for 8 years.
Education June 15, 2020 The eyes of the world on the award-winning work of a Tec professor Henry Moncrieff Zabaleta has won the international Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology for portraying the beauty of an indigenous Venezuelan woman.
Institution June 12, 2020 Tec discusses role of universities after COVID at World Economic Forum Rector David Garza set out the challenges facing the world’s universities in the post-covid era and what Tec de Monterrey can contribute in a dialog held by the World Economic Forum.
Education June 08, 2020 Classes and experiences for 90,000 students: challenge faced by Tec The Tec de Monterrey was the first Mexican university to suspend classes due to the coronavirus. It had to prepare to face the challenge of moving the learning experience for 90,000 students with its Flexible Digital Model.
Health April 27, 2020 Here’s what TecSalud is doing to fight COVID-19 In an interview with CONECTA, Dr. Fernando Castilleja, Director of Wellbeing and Prevention at TecSalud, the health system of Tecnológico de Monterrey, explains the efforts that have been and are being made in the fight against COVID-19.