Education November 25, 2019 PrepaNet: 15 years offering flexible, online education PrepaNet has been offering high school graduates for 15 years the option of being able to complete their high school studies online.
Research October 01, 2019 México has its own “Greta”; her name’s Margarita, she studies at Tec At just 21 years of age, Margarita Martínez founded the movement “Limpiemos Nuestro País” which has managed to remove over 65 tons of garbage from public spaces in Monclova and Monterrey.
Institution September 20, 2019 Tec de Monterrey is #1 in employability in Mexico and #40 in the world Tec de Monterrey is the number 1 university in Mexico and number 40 in the world, in the QS 2020 Employability Ranking of Graduates.
Research September 09, 2019 Mexicans and Tec alumni among the winners for photograph of black hole Sandra Bustamante, graduated from Tec, was part of the team of scientists who achieved the historical image of a black hole, for which they won the Breakthrough Award.
Education August 26, 2019 7 skills that the Tec wants to teach its students Besides training students in the professional area they’ve chosen, it will also support them in developing essential life skills.
Education August 11, 2019 First full year with Tec21 Model gets under way at Tec de Monterrey Focused on raising the quality of the education given to its students, Tecnológico de Monterrey experienced a historical watershed on the 12th of August, 2019, with new syllabuses that incorporate all the elements of the TEC21 Model.
Institution June 19, 2019 3 key factors that have made the Tec de Monterrey a world-class act Research strategies, academic breakthroughs and graduate achievements are key aspects that have positioned Tec de Monterrey among the best in the world.
Institution June 13, 2019 Pianos, poufs and Jenga sets: have a look at the Tec’s LiFE Spots These new areas at Tec de Monterrey campuses allow students to take advantage of their free time, to rest or have fun in order to achieve a balance in their daily activities.
Education May 06, 2019 Nine US universities “fight” over Mexican student Daniel Marín Quiroz was accepted by the nine most prestigious universities in the United States, among which six belong to the famous group of the "Ivy League".
Research March 12, 2019 Mexicans create cream to heal wounds of diabetics Three researchers from the FEMSA Biotechnology Center have created a medical treatment that will improve the lives of people with diabetes.