Entrepreneurs January 27, 2022 Bye gasoline! Young Mexican converts your car to an electric vehicle A Tec de Monterrey graduate has founded a company that converts cars with conventional gasoline engines to non-polluting electric vehicles.
Institution January 26, 2022 Ambassador of the European Union meets with Tec students Gautier Mignot, the ambassador of the European Union to Mexico, has met with students from Tec de Monterrey’s School of Social Sciences and Government.
Education January 20, 2022 1st astrochemistry thesis at Tec studies the formation of stars Iñaki Palestino, a student at the Monterrey campus, has presented the first astrochemistry thesis to be registered at the Tec. It reveals 11 chemical elements in the formation of stars.
Art & Culture January 19, 2022 Mexican artist teaches art through NASA files Mexican artist Manuel Díaz shared his artwork from altered NASA files and invited us to learn about other types of art through the artistic appropriation movement.
Institution January 18, 2022 Remarkable women! Tec reveals winners of 2022 Mujer Tec Award Tec de Monterrey has revealed the winners in nine different categories of its 2022 Mujer Tec Award, now in its tenth year.
Education January 11, 2022 Ready, set, go! All set for the 2022 FIRST robotics tournament The first round of the 2022 FIRST robotics competition in Mexico will be held at the Monterrey campus from March 10 to 12, as a selective round for the World Championship.
Institution January 10, 2022 Tec and University of Denmark team up for research Tec de Monterrey and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have ratified their 15-year history of collaboration by establishing a new partnership for student and professor exchange programs, as well as for joint research.
Entrepreneurs January 07, 2022 Mexicans create electric car with cutting-edge technology Tec de Monterrey graduates have presented the prototype of an electric car called ANSSATZ MARK 1, which includes telecommunications, digital systems, and artificial intelligence technology.
Institution December 28, 2021 New spaces, partnerships, and other important Tec news in 2021 During 2021, Tec de Monterrey inaugurated new spaces, continued to position itself in global university rankings, and forged partnerships for research and the environment.
Institution December 16, 2021 Global Shared Learning: the Tec’s international experiences from home Tecnológico de Monterrey has presented Global Shared Learning, an initiative for students to have international experiences online.