Health June 25, 2020 Myths and FAQs about the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 Specialists from TecSalud and health authorities investigate the truthfulness of some of the claims about the novel coronavirus and COVID-19.
Health April 26, 2020 Ventilators or respirators are of key importance for COVID patients Ventilators help treat seriously ill COVID-19 patients, but how exactly are they used?
Health April 10, 2020 Why are people with obesity vulnerable to COVID-19? Nutrition expert Verónica Flores explains why people with obesity are more at risk from COVID-19.
Health March 19, 2020 Pandemic, strain, and other words you should know about coronavirus Learn the terms you should know about this emergency caused by the COVID-19 disease.
Health March 19, 2020 COVID-19, influenza, or the common cold? Here are the differences Find out how to distinguish which of these three diseases you might suffer from and what steps you should take to protect your health and prevent contagion.
Health March 18, 2020 Frequently Asked Questions about coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease Here are some answers to common queries about coronavirus and COVID-19.
Health January 31, 2020 5 answers on the global emergency due to the new coronavirus The head of the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit at TecSalud answers 5 basic questions on what you should know about the new coronavirus.