Art & Culture November 20, 2020 Mexican fulfils her dream and releases song with Snoop Dogg Ruth Lara, a student at Tec de Monterrey’s León campus, has released a single in collaboration with internationally renowned artist Snoop Dogg.
Health October 30, 2020 Experts share the latest trends in wellbeing and happiness International experts present new forms of personal growth and how to boost businesses and communities to 40,000 people at the Wellbeing 360 conference, organized by Tecmilenio.
Institution October 20, 2020 Cities with a better future: the mission of this new Tec center The Center for the Future of Cities at Tecnológico de Monterrey seeks to study and disseminate the best practices of the cities of the world to apply them in Mexico.
Education September 24, 2020 How Tec and UN are guiding municipalities to economic recovery UN-Habitat and Tecnológico de Monterrey are offering training to officials and local governments to support post-covid socioeconomic recovery through a guidebook and remote courses and seminars.
Research September 18, 2020 Tec engineers, Google and NGOs working on lowering polluting emissions Tec professors are implementing a project that integrates information from Google’s EIE platform into developments related to smart mobility, energy efficiency, and solar potential.
Institution August 26, 2020 Positive Impact! Tec publishes report featuring social projects The first Social Impact Report from Tec de Monterrey (2018-2019) reveals more than 750 social projects carried out by students, teachers, collaborators, and Tec graduates.
Research June 03, 2020 Students seek to improve air quality with drones and “green roofs” Students from the State of Mexico and Monterrey campuses of the Tec have won the most recent Xignux Challenge and now have the seed capital to develop their environmental projects.
Education January 19, 2020 Do you want to study at the Tec? Discover its degree courses Find out about all the professional degree courses offered by Tec de Monterrey.
Entrepreneurs December 08, 2019 The Mexican startup that’s innovating in agriculture Young Tec graduates Juan Succar and Jorge Lizardi created the Verde Compacto company that uses urban and vertical agriculture, allowing planting and harvesting anywhere.
Institution April 29, 2019 Beyond the stadium... 10 things the Tec is doing in Monterrey The Tecnológico de Monterrey, through DistritoTec, proposes urban regeneration projects and actions to change the concept of city in our country.