Institution June 30, 2021 DistritoTec recognized for urban transformation practice DistritoTec, Tec de Monterrey’s urban regeneration and innovation initiative, was presented at the award ceremony of the WRI Ross Prize for Cities, a global award focusing on transformative urban change.
Research June 15, 2021 This Tec platform helps build better cities to live in The Tec de Monterrey Observatory of Cities offers current and useful information that allows Mexican cities to be analyzed, measured, and evaluated.
Institution May 05, 2021 3 years of alliance of the best private universities in Latin America The holding of this year’s virtual summit of rectors from La Tríada, an alliance between the Tec, Chile’s Catholic University, and Colombia’s UNIANDES.
Art & Culture April 19, 2021 NYT says Mexican architect among 10 leading women to follow The New York Times has recognized outstanding architect Fernanda Canales as one of the most influential female leaders in the world.
Research February 25, 2021 Tec presents laboratory to detect COVID-19 in wastewater Tec de Monterrey has inaugurated the Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory (MARTEC), which will help its campuses to trigger early warnings for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Institution January 25, 2021 Inspiring and empowering! The winners of the Mujer Tec 2021 Awards Tec de Monterrey will recognize the winners in a virtual ceremony held on March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Education January 20, 2021 Challenges for the US in Post-Trump Era Tec de Monterrey specialists analyze what’s in store for the United States and what Joe Biden will have to face as president.
Art & Culture November 20, 2020 Mexican fulfils her dream and releases song with Snoop Dogg Ruth Lara, a student at Tec de Monterrey’s León campus, has released a single in collaboration with internationally renowned artist Snoop Dogg.
Health October 30, 2020 Experts share the latest trends in wellbeing and happiness International experts present new forms of personal growth and how to boost businesses and communities to 40,000 people at the Wellbeing 360 conference, organized by Tecmilenio.
Institution October 20, 2020 Cities with a better future: the mission of this new Tec center The Center for the Future of Cities at Tecnológico de Monterrey seeks to study and disseminate the best practices of the cities of the world to apply them in Mexico.