Read about the bezier “tailor-made eyeglasses” project that produces unique frames for each type of face using industrial design and technology.
By Karina Perales Armas | Toluca Campus - 08/03/2021 Photo Cortesía Roberto Alfredo Méndez Benítez

The bezier project, which designs unique eyeglass frames for each type of face by using a facial recognition program, has won the global Red Dot Design Award competition.

This project was created by Roberto Alfredo Méndez Benítez, a Bachelor of Design professor at Tec de Monterrey in Toluca.

It won in the Fashion and Accessories subcategory of the Concept Design category.



Bezier, el proyecto ganador del Reddot
This is the result of bezier, winner of the Red Dot Design Award, which makes unique eyeglass frames.


The project

We understood that a part of the frame structure had to be individualized for each person and their specific features; we take information about a face using a facial recognition program,” said Méndez in an interview for CONECTA.

“We take key reference points, and create an algorithm that adapts the positioning, which then automates the modeling. As a result, a base frame can be adjusted to those specific coordinates, creating a unique frame that matches someone’s features,” he explained.

The project is called bezier in honor of the mathematician who developed the (Bezier) lines that are used in 3D modeling, and which are related to industrial design.


“A base frame can be adjusted to those specific coordinates, creating a unique frame that matches someone’s features.”


El proyecto toma información a través de un programa de reconocimiento facial.
The project takes information from someone’s face by using a facial recognition program.


How did the process of creating and developing bezier happen?

For Alfredo, one of the most important things to do when creating new things is to ask himself: What are doing with our designs? What else can is there? Those questions led him to research the Red Dot Design Award.

That’s when he told his team: “We’re going to design this like we really want to win. The point was to set a goal and start designing for it. Beyond making eyeglasses, our intention is to integrate technology and industrial design,” he explained.

This project fulfills the complete design process: We understand how an object is developed (the existing need), how it’s built, how design isn’t about what you see and what you touch.

“This enhances the object, as a result of all the technology behind it, which makes it more efficient. In the end, what appears simple is very complex,” he said.



En este proyecto se integra la tecnología con el diseño
This project combines technology with industrial design.


What’s next for the project?

Alfredo Méndez said that currently 3D printing is used to make the frame. Users then go to a professional to get a prescription and mount the lenses in the frame to use it, but the intention is to go further.

The idea is to integrate this technology into when you get your prescription. In the end, you’ll have eyeglasses that fit you and work for you immediately,” he said.


“Beyond making eyeglasses, our intention is to integrate technology and industrial design.”


Is there a formula for winning international awards?

Last year, they also participated and won an award. This year, they presented a proposal again and also succeeded.

This is the fourth time we’ve participated: being recognized worldwide was a watershed moment. It wasn’t immediate; it took us time, but it motivated us to do better and better, until we got there,” he said.

You should recognize that you never stop learning from your colleagues, but also from other people with different professions. Bezier brings computer science and design together.


Bezier concilia el diseño industrial y las ciencias computacionales.
The importance of bezier within the industry is that it brings industrial design and computer science together.


It is important to have different perspectives so you can face challenges: “How can you use digital manufacturing methods beyond studying, prototyping, and developing, and use them to make a product for real use?”, he pointed out.

Finally, he recommended being honest and self-critical; you need to understand that you’re competing both within Mexico and with other countries and that designers who are “hungry to give more” are those who are needed,” he concluded.

Red Dot Award is one of the world’s most important international industrial design competitions and awards prizes in three categories: product design, design concept, and brands and communication.




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