Institution November 30, 2022 Expedition liftoff! Building a new space for innovation at the Tec Phase 2 of DistritoTec commences with the construction of Expedition, a building to be constructed on Monterrey campus that aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
Education January 20, 2022 1st astrochemistry thesis at Tec studies the formation of stars Iñaki Palestino, a student at the Monterrey campus, has presented the first astrochemistry thesis to be registered at the Tec. It reveals 11 chemical elements in the formation of stars.
Research March 12, 2021 Tec engineers want to “transform” donated vehicle into space robot KIA Motors has donated a car to the Tec so that Tec de Monterrey engineers can turn it into a “rover” capable of changing into humanoid form to carry out tasks in space.