Students from the Computing area have been recruited by companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft for summer internships.
By Karla Pérez | Guadalajara Campus - 10/13/2020

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft are some of the companies eying up graduates from the Computing area of the Tec’s Guadalajara campus.

By taking them on as interns, these companies give young people the opportunity to acquire professional experience from the start of their courses.

“Recruiters often look for Tec graduates because of two characteristics: they’re technically skilled and they have a good level of English. 

“What’s more, they maintain a relationship so as to keep promoting their programs because of the success they’ve had with graduates over there,” said Computer Systems Engineering (ISC) Program Director Olga García.


“They’re involved with the team that’s developing future versions of Facebook, Google, or Google Maps.”


Instalaciones de Google en San Francisco donde alumnos Tec realizan internships


The interns are on programs that run from 8 to 12 weeks over the summer, in which students join active work teams inside these companies.

García explained that “they work directly with products and services that these companies are developing. They’re not simple jobs.

“They’re involved with the team that’s developing future versions of Facebook, Google, or Google Maps.”

These are real projects, and in addition to the knowledge acquired during their studies, they have support from a coach provided by the Tec’s Guadalajara campus. 

Their relationship with these companies is so close that this experience continued virtually during the health emergency.

The advantages these students obtain by participating include them acquiring the skill of working in global teams.

These young people develop the ability to work in teams, be proactive, negotiate, and improve the level of specialized English for their degrees.

In turn, the organizational culture managed by these companies allows them to develop international networking opportunities that provide them with future benefits.  

Vinicio Quintero, a seventh-semester Computer Systems student who has been an intern twice at Google and is awaiting confirmation to take part next summer, said:

“I had a good time on my internship. My last manager even wanted to see if they could give me a full position on their team, which I’ll be looking into.

“Some engineers say that the Tec is one of the universities they take into account the most because they’re more confident in the results, the prestige, and the relationship.”


Vinicio Quintero (tercero de izq. a der.) realizó 2 internships con Google, en su primera visita su familia fue a visitarlo en las instalaciones (2019).
Vinicio Quintero (third from left to right) has been an intern twice at Google. On his first visit, his family went to see him at the facilities (2019).


A fearless profile

García shared that sometimes students feel overwhelmed by the prestige of these companies and the other universities taking part. 

But the academic emphasized that this shouldn’t be a reason for students not to apply for these positions.

“One graduate who’s now at Microsoft told me that at the beginning he believed he wouldn’t be as good as people from MIT or Yale University.

“But he told me: ‘Olga, we’re as good as those universities. We can go in at the technical level that’s needed for projects at these companies,” recalled García.

The director emphasized that these companies are more focused on looking for young people with these characteristics:

  • Passionate about technology,
  • Creators of new concepts or ideas,
  • Proactive, and
  • Capable of teaching themselves.

They also really appreciate extracurricular activities such as taking part in hackathons, competitions, and social involvement.


Al realizar su internado los alumnos se unen a equipos de trabajo formales en Google


Recruitment for interns takes place one year in advance and, depending on the syllabus, students can revalidate topics with this experience.

The only investment made by students for these internships is time, as these companies provide various benefits once they have been accepted.

As well as financial remuneration, the companies pay international and national travel expenses and provide accommodation and food at their facilities.

They also support young people in obtaining the necessary work visa for becoming an on-site intern when health conditions allow.

García said that after having these experiences: “many times, these companies wait for students and offer them permanent contracts when they graduate.

“This is thanks to them having had these previous experiences over the summer,” concluded the program director, who invited more students to discover these programs.






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